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Furniture Wiz


Furniture Wiz have preloved furniture and make our own in house handmade furniture. "Good products at Great prices"   Free delivery of items in a 4km radius from our shop (more)

Lifeline Furniture Warehouse


Lifeline Furniture Warehouse specialises in preloved furniture and homewares for your home (more)

Lifeline Store


Lifeline is a national charity providing all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24 hour crisis support and suicide prevention services. The Lifeline store specialises in preloved clothing, books and magazines, homewares, decor and kitchenware (more)

Lifeline Store South Lismore


Lifeline South Lismore specialises in books and music. A third of our floorspace is dedicated to this with a booksale on the first Saturday of each month. We also have a great range of clothing, bricabrac and manchester. Lifeline South Lismore has Unique gift ideas abound so call in and (more)

Lismore Revolve Shop


There’s always a bargain to be found at the Lismore Revolve Shop, our second-hand store. Located within the Lismore Recycling & Recovery Centre, the Lismore Revolve Shop sells a range of second-hand goods promoting reuse and diverting good quality items from landfill. You will find everything (more)

Salvation Army


Salvation Army specialises in preloved homewares, furniture, decor, clothing, accessories, books and magazines (more)

St Vincent De Paul


St Vincent De Paul specialises in preloved homewares, decor, clothing, accessories and books and magazines (more)

Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter Op Shop


Westpac Life Saver Rescue Helicopter Op Shop specialises in preloved homewares, furniture, decor, clothing, accessories and books and magazines (more)

Lismore & Nimbin Tourism Logo